Questions & Answers

Question: What do I get when I checkout a product?

Answer: Unrestricted access to your chosen course/product, including author's uploaded resources, videos, etc, with ongoing technical support at [email protected].

Question: How long do I have access for?

Answer: After completing your purchase, you have lifetime, on-demand access to your product/s with out expiry.

Question: Can I download the lectures?

Answer: If the author of your products has enabled documents, videos, etc to be downloadable, then, yes, you can download for personal use only.

'Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of any downloadable materials on the School’s website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only'.

Kindly refer to our Terms of Use Policy for further details.

Question: Can I access my products on the go?

Yes, you can download the Teachable app for your preferred App Store and access your products on the go.

Question: Can I share the course?

Answer: Kindly, refrain from sharing resources, videos etc, unless you have expressed written permission from the author of the content that you wish to share. To contact the author, please reach out at [email protected]

Materials contained in this School are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law and are not to be used for business/promotional purposes.

For further details, please see our Terms of Use page.

Question: Do I get a certificate of completion at the end of my course?

Answer: If the author of your course have enabled certificate of completion, yes, you will receive one upon successful completion.

Question: What are my payment options?

Answer: You can purchase your product using credit or debit card, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay options.

Can not see your question/answer here?

Contact us at [email protected]